The twenty-first century is an age of great change. With the rise of digitalization and AI, previous operating models have taken on a completely new aspect. Now the most important thing is not for a company to enter the market, but for a more important one has appeared, to be present on the market in the long run. You can quickly fall behind and fall out of the market circulation if a company does not react immediately to an innovation. With Industry 5.0, organizations need to adapt and grow. The organization’s goal can be leveled up by aligning corporate processes and skills, because skills-based organizations can pave the way for agility, frugal innovation, ingenuity, and a sustainable future. With motivated, creative, innovative colleagues, the adaptability of the organization increases. The present study will examine the innovation of the domestic banking sector, namely beyond banking. And what can be briefly summarized is that everything that does not fall within the scope of classic banking services. It is important to deal with this topic because it is quite a new trend, and even companies operating in Hungary approach its implementation differently.
XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 2 24-29
DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.2.5
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