Humanity has always been on the move. Some people move voluntarily to learn, some for work or economic opportunities, while others migrate out of necessity, in response to climate change, natural disasters or the negative effects of environmental factors. Among the migration phenomena, labour migration plays an important role and is now a major challenge for economic actors worldwide. As a result of economic and social influences and those of globalisation, significant differences in development across Europe have been observed in recent decades, which are constantly being changed in space and time. These processes have also affected the scale of migration. In Hungary, several industrial investments are waiting to be launched, but this requires a sufficient number and quality of workers. Current data show that the domestic human resource is low and that the current labour market is no longer able to fully meet the increased labour demand. Recruiting labour from outside the country has therefore become necessary to keep the economy functioning and maintain, or even increase output. The forecasting and modelling of the labour market has long been the subject of various studies, but no model has yet been developed that can be used as a generally accepted method. The objective of my study is to model the migration processes of the Hungarian labour market using a multivariate linear regression model with different variables. In my research, I collected secondary data based on the databases of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH). A multivariate regression model was used to analyse the period 2010-2022. The employment of foreign guest workers is a politically and economically sensitive issue, therefore the study focuses exclusively on the economic context.

XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 2 42-45

DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.2.8

Cikk megtekinthető:


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