This paper examines the relationship between the economic resilience of Hungarian family small and medium-sized enterprises, their direct industry competitors and leading industry enterprises in the context of the economic downturn, inflationary pressures and the initial period of the Russian-Ukrainian war between 2020 and 2022. The findings of the study, based on empirical evidence, indicate a correlation between the economic resilience of the samples over the period under examination, albeit a weak one. Further analysis of the data suggests that the industry competitors in the lead demonstrated the greatest economic resilience in terms of the distribution of their respective sample sizes. It is noteworthy that over the period under consideration, a considerable proportion of the main activities and enterprises exhibited sustained growth, with only a limited number of cases of sustained or persistent decline.
XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 1. 40-44
DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.1.7
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