The research was made for exploring employee satisfaction in new open office environments at a multinational company, after the decision of the management about the refurbishment of the European offices. As a result, the Czech and Hungarian office should have been transformed into an open office area. The goal of the research was to measure employee satisfaction in the new work environment and to make a proposal for management team for further office investments. For exploring the situation, a primary research was conducted among Czech and Hungarian employees, if they are satisfied with the realized new work environment in Czech Republic and in Hungary. The survey was done by in-depth interviews using an interview questionnaire. As a result of the research it may be stated that employees are generally satisfied with their working environment. They reported their needs regarding wider space and extended own work environment and about more meeting rooms and rest zones. Respondents noticed excessive noise and direct and rapid communication between each other during operation.
XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 2 2-6
DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.2.1
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