Procrastination is the most common and problematic behavior we witness today. Procrastination, whether at work or studying, affects motivation and performance. In this article, we conduct a rapid review of the published literature on the topic by carefully selecting articles that address procrastination, its drivers, and its impact on performance in work and academic life. The purpose of this paper is to study the performance-deteriorating effect of procrastination on efficiency in the workplace and the education sector. In the review, a total of 8 studies were selected based on the PRISMA guidelines, which include a number of factors related to procrastination in the performance of both professionals and students and influence self-esteem, presence stress and emotional intelligence. Decision-makers in both the corporate and educational sectors need to raise awareness of this phenomenon and provide employees and students with ways to combat it, which will lead to better performance and well-being at work and school, which will indirectly impact it also affects work-life balance.

XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 1. 20-27

DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.1.4

Cikk megtekinthető: http://controllerinfo.hu/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Controller_2024_1-4_SI.pdf


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