In the modern globalized economy, corporate acquisitions, especially of start-up companies, have become prevalent. This study delves into the dynamic relationship between multinational corporations and start-ups, focusing particularly on the acquisition process. The research begins by defining the concepts of ‘multinational corporation’ and ‘start-up’ from an international literature perspective. The core of the analysis examines the acquisition of start-ups by multinational companies, aiming to uncover the strategic management challenges and opportunities presented in these scenarios. Employing a quantitative method, the study maps out the focus areas of start-up companies and the strategic shifts within multinational sectors. The research includes a thorough literature review on corporate acquisitions, exploring the various motivations and types of acquisitions. This study contributes to a deeper understanding and application of strategic methods used by multinational corporations in acquiring start-ups.
XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 1. 2-7
DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.1.1
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