This study examines the impact of the mandatory transition to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to prepare consolidated and individual reports through the examples of reconciliation differences between the financial statements of companies listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange in Hungary in 2005 and 2017. This study examines the reconciliation items disclosed by joint stock companies in order to compare different income statements under IFRS. Content and frequency analyses were used to identify the reconciliations in the IFRS annual financial reports in the comparative periods of 2005 and 2017. In the transition to individual reporting, companies did not provide more reconciliation information compared to the periods at the consolidated level. The most frequent reconciliations in 2005 were related to the accounting of deferred tax, fair value and goodwill amortization, and in 2017, the most frequent reconciliations were also related to the accounting of deferred tax, depreciation of assets and dividends.
XII. évfolyam 2024. Special Issues 1. 13-19
DOI: 10.24387/CI.SI.2024.1.3
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