Analysis of the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Countries with Different Development Level

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer) is a major multinational environmental agreement that controls the manufacture and consumption of approximately 100 man-made compounds known as ozone depleting substances (ODS). When such compounds are released into the sky, they disrupt the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects humans and the environment from hazardous levels of UV light from the sun. The Protocol is the only UN treaty to date that has been ratified by all 198 UN Member States. The world faces old and new problems that are more complicated than our currently capable multilateral and national institutions. To face these challenges, international cooperation is becoming ever more important. An international environmental agreement is a kind of treaty that is binding in international law, allowing them to accomplish an environmental goal. This paper deals with the impact of Montreal Protocol by analysing CFC emissions developed and developing countries.

X. ÉVF. 2022. 1. SZÁM 60-65

DOI: 10.24387/CI.2022.1.10


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