According to Chong et al, (2021) a systematic methodological review is an elaborate secondary research process based on synthesis which involves analysis and summarizing of methodological practises used in a specific substantive research topic. As Munn, Stern, Aromataris, Lockwood, & Jordan, (2018) postulates, the process of systematic methodological reviews aims at investigating and analysing any methodological concerns of a give research topic and mostly critiques the design based evidence synthesis, conduct and review of the research. Systematic reviews offer the best method comprehensively collate, examine and synthesize a body of literature. This systematic review focused on twenty-two articles on Internationalization Strategies and globalization in higher education which were identified through a comprehensive PRISMA process. This review examines the types of research approaches used, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques and summarizes in findings the the most commonly used methodologies in internationalization in higher education research, most preferred method scholars use for research on internationalization in higher education with justifications of choosing one methodology among available options.
2023. SPECIAL ISSUE 2 41-46
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2023.SPECIAL ISSUE 2.7


The rising number of international students and staff working globally in the current decade can be attributed to the various internationalization strategies that various public and private employers, have put in place to achieve globalization goals. The presence of international human resource capital on the other hand in the global human resource sector is a significant indicator that retention management strategies are being practiced by employers across the board. During their study period in foreign universities, most international students engage in part-time jobs which retain them after their studies through a work permit strategy among others. This review sought to discover and review the retention management strategies that employers utilized in managing and retaining the international human resource capital often brought to their disposal by higher education. It will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on Internationalization and human resource management retention. This review involved relevant scholarly articles on internationalization, employability, and diversity retention management. The outcome recommends the provision of; a robust and effective selection and hiring process, a safe and conducive job environment, full support from top management, humane treatment, collaboration, cultivation of a multicultural atmosphere, training and, development, financial incentives, and benefits, job enrichment initiatives, career development, equal access to promotion opportunities, flexible work opportunities, performance appraisals, and job evaluations, equal opportunities, opportunities to explore side jobs unlimited access to family-friendly benefits to all the multicultural staff.
2023. SPECIAL ISSUE 2 33-40
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2023.SPECIAL ISSUE 2.6

A BPM és az Outsourcing jelentősége napjainkban és a jövőben

Napjainkban a globalizáció fokozódó térnyerése jelentős változásokat hozott az üzleti életben. Üzleti folyamataik összehangolása és hatékony menedzselése sikertényezővé vált a vállalatok számára az erősödő piaci versennyel szemben. E folyamatok összetettsége miatt manapság egyre elterjedtebb az üzleti folyamatok és az informatikai folyamatok kiszervezése egy ilyen feladatokra szakosodott céghez. A fentiekkel összefüggésben jelen tanulmány bemutatja az üzleti folyamatok menedzselésében, valamint az üzleti folyamatok és informatikai folyamatok kiszervezésében rejlő jelenet, jövőt és kockázatokat.
X. ÉVF. 2022. 4. SZÁM 2-6
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2022.4.1