The purpose of the study is the presentation and examination of the views and perceptions on the implementation of Industry 4.0 processes and mechanisms in Hungary. The qualitative research attempts to explore 1) how managers deal with information regarding Industry 4.0, and how the information assists them in the introduction of the elements of the Industry 4.0. 2) what are the implementation and hindering factors of Industry 4.0 tools within the framework of SMEs. 3) how managerial motivations and attitudes related to Industry 4.0 influence the introduction of the topic within the company. In order to answer the research questions, we conducted a total of 8 semi-structured interviews in the spring of 2022. Due to the small number of items, our research results cannot be generalized, they are only valid for the test sample. The following answers can be given to our research questions: a, domestic companies primarily acquire information about Industry 4.0 at Hungarian professional events, workshops, and internet portals; the implementation of industry 4.0 is mostly hindered by the lack of financial resources; the leader must be fundamentally open-minded to both professional innovations and technological changes.
2023. SPECIAL ISSUE 2 27-32
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2023.SPECIAL ISSUE 2.5

The contribution of change leadership to the organisational adoption of innovation

The main drivers of market changes today result from a rapid technology development and several other major influences emanating from the impact and consequences of globalisation. In the face of such compelling market forces, it is a major task and even obligation of the leadership organization to make change happen by understanding and reacting in appropriate and efficacious manner (Spector, 2013). The leadership can foster the creative and innovative spirit and allow change to happen by allocating the appropriate resources and enabling processes (Titu et al., 2015). One of such processes is the visionary leadership of the top management which defines the organisational culture of innovative spirit. The other process which the study will focus on is the monitoring of customer acceptance, instrumental in the adjustment of change management.
IX. ÉVF. 2021. 2. SZÁM 67-70
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2021.2.12

Tanulságok a devizahitelezésbôl – pénzügyi fogyasztóvédelem

Kutatásunkban arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen ok vezetett ahhoz, hogy az emberek többsége a forint hitel helyett a külföldi deviza alapú kölcsönt választották, milyen információk álltak rendelkezésére, mennyire voltak tájékozottak. Tudták-e, hogy milyen jellegû kockázatok kapcsolódtak e hitelformához. Vizsgáltuk, hogy a felhasználók mennyire ismerik a különbözô megtakarítási formákat, személyi jövedelemadó kedvezményeket, megoldásokat, vannak e megtakarításai illetve milyen fizetési szokások alakultak ki a magyar állampolgároknál.


DOI: 10.24387/CI.2020.2.2