Literature review of conscious consumer behavior in the world of cryptocurrency

The research is significant to analyze the implications of cryptocurrency, concerning the various parameters that affect the market of cryptocurrency, and influence consumer buying behaviour, including factors such as advantages, and disadvantages which predict changing behaviour of consumers in the market. Hence, the research is critical for economists and consumers, to analyze various facets pertaining to cryptocurrency, and for policymakers to make administrative policies as per the behaviour of consumers.
X. ÉVF. 2022. Különszám 31-37
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2022.SI.6

Outlook of the world of cryptocurrency

The research is significant to analyze the implications of cryptocurrency, concerning the various parameters that affect the market of cryptocurrency, and influence consumer buying behaviour, including factors such as advantages, and disadvantages which predict changing behaviour of consumers in the market.
X. ÉVF. 2022. Különszám 14-18
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2022.SI.3

Going Green All The Way- An Empirical Study About Inculcating Sustainable And Responsible Behavior In University Students In Hungary

Universities, these days are focusing on several areas which have become the need of the hour. One of them which tops the list is campus sustainability. The study has been conducted in Hungary and students from various Hungarian universities have participated in the survey. It measures the impact of university’s role in sustainable development on campus sustainability with moderating role of student’s sustainability involvement and responsible behavior. The study emphasizes on the importance of sustainability at university and what factors are necessary to enhance it.
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2021.különszám.9

Pénzügyi fogyasztóvédelem – tudatos fogyasztó – 1. rész

A fogyasztóvédelem lényege a gyengébb fél védelme a mindennapok ügyleteiben. Azon igyekszünk, hogy tanulmányunkkal a devizahiteles károsultaknak segítséget nyújtsunk. Amennyiben lehetséges minden embert abba a helyzetbe hozzunk, hogy minél jobban megismerjék azon összefüggéseket, amivel hasonló … tovább »