According to Chong et al, (2021) a systematic methodological review is an elaborate secondary research process based on synthesis which involves analysis and summarizing of methodological practises used in a specific substantive research topic. As Munn, Stern, Aromataris, Lockwood, & Jordan, (2018) postulates, the process of systematic methodological reviews aims at investigating and analysing any methodological concerns of a give research topic and mostly critiques the design based evidence synthesis, conduct and review of the research. Systematic reviews offer the best method comprehensively collate, examine and synthesize a body of literature. This systematic review focused on twenty-two articles on Internationalization Strategies and globalization in higher education which were identified through a comprehensive PRISMA process. This review examines the types of research approaches used, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques and summarizes in findings the the most commonly used methodologies in internationalization in higher education research, most preferred method scholars use for research on internationalization in higher education with justifications of choosing one methodology among available options.
2023. SPECIAL ISSUE 2 41-46
DOI: 10.24387/CI.2023.SPECIAL ISSUE 2.7